Endowment Fund
The Mabel First Lutheran Endowment Fund was established at the annual meeting of the congregation in 1995. The fund is used to enhance the mission outreach of the church apart from the general operation of the congregation. No portion of the income generated by the fund may be used for the annual operating budget of the congregation. Instead, the income is distributed for mission causes (25 percent to be used for congregational or community use; 75 percent for ELCA mission causes or other mission causes not directly related to the ELCA). The Fund is managed by the Endowment Committee, which consists of five voting members of the congregation along with several advisory members.
In the years that the Endowment Fund has been in existence, the congregation has provided regular assistance to area food shelves, benefited various programs generally aimed at helping people in need, funded church mission trips, and contributed to building projects for campus ministries and a church-run school and hospital in South Sudan.