Food Shelf

The food shelf serves residents of Mabel and the surrounding area including our neighbors in Iowa. Initially opened in October 2010 and recognized as a 501(c)3 organization in November 2011, its purpose is to increase food access and build healthy communities for our area residents. In 2021, there were 93 household visits involving 203 individuals made to the food shelf resulting in over 6,000 pounds of food distributed to local families and single individuals.
Households in need of help meeting food costs as the result of an unexpected expense or ongoing need are encouraged to use the food shelf, which is open on the 1st, 2nd, 4th, and 5th Thursday from 5:00-7:00 PM and on the 3rd Saturday from 10:00 AM to Noon.
Persons visiting for the first time are required to complete a simple registration form. Once registered, households can shop twice a month. Persons with difficulty coming to the food shelf can select someone else to pick up their food (a proxy) or request delivery (curbside or within the city of Mabel).
For further information, call 507-493-5783 during food shelf hours or leave a message with your name and telephone number for a return call when volunteers are available. The Mabel Area Food Shelf is supported by donations and is governed and staffed totally by volunteers who are required to respect the confidentiality of shoppers.
LENT 2024 "Give Instead of Give-Up" calendars